3 German Soldiers

What is 3 German Soldiers?


A song widely popular with American Forces during WWII. It depicts the graphic nature of a raping by 3 German Soldiers. Sung to the tune of "When Johnny comes marching home"

Three German soldiers crossed the line taboo taboo

Three German soldiers crossed the line taboo taboo

Three German soldiers crossed the line they raped the women and drank the wine

and they all said zeig heil tickle my ass taboo

They came upon a way side inn taboo taboo

They came upon a way side inn taboo taboo

They came upon a way side inn the door was locked so they kicked it in

and they all said zeig heil tickle my ass taboo

The inn keeper had a daughter fair taboo taboo

The inn keeper had a daughter fair taboo taboo

The inn keeper had a daughter fair With long blond hair And Tits to There

and they all said zeig heil tickle my ass taboo

They tied her to a feather bed taboo taboo

They tied her to a feather bed taboo taboo

They tied her to a feather bed and fucked till she was almost dead

and they all said zeig heil tickle my ass taboo

The inn keeper was so ashamed taboo taboo

The inn keeper was so ashamed taboo taboo

The inn keeper was so ashamed he fucked her back to life again

and they all said zeig heil tickle my ass taboo

The inn keeper had a trusty gun taboo taboo

The inn keeper had a trusty gun taboo taboo

The inn keeper had a trusty gun he shot the fuckers one by one

and they all said zeig heil tickle my ass taboo

Three German soldiers marched to hell taboo taboo

Three German soldiers marched to hell taboo taboo

Three German soldiers marched to hell they fucked the devil and his wife as well

and they all said zeig heil tickle my ass taboo

The moral of the story is taboo taboo

The moral of the story is taboo taboo

The moral of the story is you never fuck in a feather bed

and they all said zeig heil tickle my ass taboo

The moral of the moral is taboo taboo

The moral of the moral is taboo taboo

The moral of the moral is you always fuck in a water bed

and they all said zeig heil tickle my ass taboo

The Germans thought they won the war taboo taboo

The Germans thought they won the war taboo taboo

The Germans thought they won the war the newfies won it the day before

and they all said zeig heil tickle my ass taboo

And they all said zeig heil tickle my ass taboo

"On our way to Berlin, we sang 3 German Soldiers."

See nazi, german, song, lyrics, raping


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