
What is 1k?


The term 1k or any number w/ a "k" in it started way back from online games. The "k" is a short replacement for "thousand". For some instances , if you double the use of "k" in a number like "1kk" , it means raise the default value by a thousand which is 1 million (or 1M) in short.

Player A : I am selling a *random rare item* , also a *random rare weapon* pm me if interested.

Player B : how much is one for the item ?

Player A : 1k each.

Player B : How bout the weapon ?

Player : 1kk (or 1M); negotiable.

See 1k, online games


A way of showing that someone on myspacehas 1,000 friends.

Often wrote at the end of a name for myspace popularity.

ex. - This can be shown as 42k OR 42,000 friends.

cole - Did you see MattMURDER on myspace?

janelle - Yeah, he only has 1k! What a LOSER!

cole - I know right?

janelle - obviously... I have like... 39k.

See myspace, myspace whore, w4w, whore, popularity


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