
What is ~whore?


The tildle or ~ represents a word that can be put infront of whore.

The (insert word here) whore represents several meanings. It generally means:

1) The word in front of the word whore singifies that the person or thing being described is someone/something that is addicted to word in front of the word whore.

2)Refers to someone that is obsessive/abusive over the said word in front of the word whore

1)I wish she would listen to me and stop being an EverQuest~whore.

2)I really wish that Jane would stop being an hair products~whore and using all the hairgel up.

See addicting, obsessed, deranged, lame


The tildle or ~ represents a word that can be put infront of whore.

The (insert word here) whore represents several meanings. It generally means:

1) The word in front of the word whore singifies that the person or thing being described is someone/something that is addicted to word in front of the word whore.

2)Refers to someone that is obsessive/abusive over the said word in front of the word whore

1)I wish she would listen to me and stop being an EverQuest~whore.

2)I really wish that Jane would stop being an hair products~whore and using all the hairgel up.

See addicting, obsessed, deranged, lame


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