Sal Kar

What is Sal Kar?


The Kingdom of Sal Kar is the small desert nation in the game Chrome Hounds, located in the southern region of the continent of Neroimus. The region they occupy has an abundant amount of underground resources, which has caught the eye of it's neighbors, Tarakia and Morskoj, and is why they are in the conflict which is taking place all across Neroimus. Sal Kar is backed by the Far East Union, which includes China, Japan, and South/Southeast Asia. This allows them to obtain cutting-edge military parts for HOUNDs, which are quick and light, but less durable than others. The culture is made up of mostly one race. Their people are referred to as Sal Kari. Sal Kar's history branches off from the Ottoman Empire.

Area: 20,800km

Population: 2,280,000

Capital: Qara

Gov. Type: Limited Monarchy

Head of State: National King

Religion: Sal Kari State Religion

Language: Karic

Ethnicity: People of Sal Kar

Industries: Oil, Gas

Currency: Ziyad


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