
What is Salt?


1: adj. - to describe something unfortunate or unfavorable happening, or one's angered mood.

2: verb - to do something which causes an unfortunate or unfavorable situation.

3: inter. - to express distaste or unhappiness about a situation.

note: the international symbol of salt is brushing off one's leg with the back of their hand as if one is dealing with salt being spilled upon them. also, for additional effect, one may hiss like a snake (see: salt snake).

1: "did you hear the flyers lost?"

"yeah, i was pretty SALT about it, but then i remembered that those bums always lose."

2: "robert esche is doing his swiss cheese impression again this season."

"yeah, he really knows how to SALT everything up."

3: "someone finished off the last of the pizza."

"SALT, now what am i going to eat for breakfast tomorrow?"

See salt snake, salt style, strict, salty, ssssssssss


To infringe upon someone elses man/woman.

"Is that guy salting my game or what?"

See Kyle


Derivative from the act of "throwing salt" on one's game, any case in which one might deprecate another and embarrasingly so.

"Quit throwing S-A-L-T all over my G-A-M-E!"

See Ryan


To interfere with your plans (or to mess up your game). Playa Hatin'

Quit throwing salt on my game...fool!


when someone does something very stupid or is proven wrong in a situation. Almost like you just poured salt on a wound and made it a whole lot worse for your self. or a shorter way was saying, "wow you just totally inSALTed your self"

(after bob tripped over a rock)

Jane: ohhh salt!

bob: shut up


Cocaine powder. Food slang for drugs is used when having to communicate in public.

He wants a nick of collard greens and a dub of salt.


Acronym for Sex At Lunch Time.

We had salt in his office on the desk.

See sex, nooner, quickie, fuck


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