Scene Kids

What is Scene Kids?


Typical Scene Chick:

-Choppy short hair.

-Usually black however blonde and lots of 'strange' colors are used to make themselves look 'unique.

-Bandana in hair.

-Bows are popular

-Heavy make up, usually around the eyes, sparkles are quite common.

-Fake moles have been spotted.

-Tries to pull of Vintage look

-Usually really hot. But, we haven't seen them with out make up so this is questionable.

-Dates only scene boys.

Typical Scene Boy:

-Long bangs usually covering eyes.

-Usually, black or different colors such as orange, red, blue, purple ect.

-Make up, usually centered around the eyes. Eye shadow, black usually pink or purple.

-Tight pants, extremely tight band shirt. Sometimes a too tight jacket.

-Usually DAMN sexy, however they do tend to be full of themselves and unfriendly to anyone they deem unworthy or not in the scene.

-Dates scene chicks. However may branch out to preps.

Both sexes:


-Over 100 friends.

-Girl pants.

-Thinks they're not conformist.

-May or may not be straight edge


Scene kids usually go to local shows have extremly tight groups. They may be there for the music but usually they are there for the social time. Scene kids are usually very picky about who they talk to and associate with. If they deem you cool they may go up to you and talk to you and act as if they've known you for years.

(At a show)

(Group of scene kids)

(Unknown girl tries to approach)

(They take one look at her say hi and walk away quickly.)

See scene chicks, scene boys, hxc, emo, clicks


for the love of God, come on.

i mean, everyone makes fun of 'scene' kids or 'emo' kids for comforming to something that is supposed to be a symbol of non-comformity. You are all contradicting yourselves. Your saying that you want to hurt/kill/piss on?!? someone for the way they look? Has the human race honestly regressed that far back? take a look at movies like - mississippi burning, the pianist or to kill a mockingbird. Your acting the same way as the people in the movies. Your critisiing someone for their beliefs. I do not identify as 'emo' 'indie' or 'scene' but i do own vans slip ons, i do wear tight jeans, and i do listen to bands that the majourity of my classmates have not heard of. But just because my jeans are tighter than yours does not make me a lesser human being, or a 'fag' as you so delictaly put it. someone listens to obscure bands? Why the fuck do you care? get a FUCKING hobby. please. people who listen to unpopular music do so, for the most part, because music is a huge part of life for them, and seeing it slowly stripped down and sold for ratings waters down the concepts that the music originaly held. That is why they prefer to listen to bands that you dont know about, so that they DONT become like my chemicle romance, fall out boy, ect. If you still thnk that they are conforming, than think of this. People who go to AE or AF ae spending ALOT of money on the clothes they buy. Kids who go to vintage stores are buying cheap and for the most part really nice clothing. everyone, whether you want to admit it or not, has before, will in the future, or is copying someone. It doesnt make you a bad person though, it makes you a human, cause the sad fact is, that there is no originaly left, everything has been done. So if kids want to hold on to what they see as the last shred of originaly left in modern society, let them. and fuck off.

uneducated person's rant -

emo boyz and scene kids are such FAGS. with their girls jeans and eye liner. They are all trend followers! i want to kill them all because they listen to obscure music and wear clothes that fit well. i will also make durogatory comments about the size of their genitals, specualte about their sexual preferences and continuely judge them as a whole instead of everyone at a time. HARDXCORE

educated person's rant - (see above)

See emo fags, emo, scene, scenesters, emo bastard, emo music


scene kids? kids who know the music scene, sure they dress alike, but who doesnt these days? most chavs wear sports clothing, most goths wear black, but whos to say that wearing skinny-jeans and eyeliner is a bad thing?

everybody's different, different people belong to different cliques, different cliques follow different fashions...whats so wrong about that?

people have different ways of doing things, why cant that just be accepted?

everyone is a person, no matter what they dress like or how they wear their hair, scene kids or not

See scene kids, emo, chav, goth, cliques


A 'scene kid' is a person who conforms to the current trends promoted by the punk/goth/emo/hardcore music genres in order to appear cool.

Scene Kids...

Scene Boy:

Has black Hair covering the face,wears eyeliner, eye shadow (sometimes and is usually pink)and has an ever increasing in size flesh tube/plug in the ear.

Usually has a lip piercing

Will wear a tight black t-shirt with a random band or band endorsed clothing label pictured on the front.

Adorns tight jeans, white belt with big buckle and either wearing converse or checked slip on shoes.

Has an obbession with guns and stars.

Attends many hardcore shows dances like a fool (if at all) and talks about obscure random bands which you will not know cos there cooler than you.

Kisses boys every now an then because scene girls like it.

Has thousands of myspace friends all of which are scene girls just to look cool and takes billions of pictures of themselves in tuff guy poses.

They also like tattoos and would get one if there rich mommy and daddy would let them.

Scene Girl:

Has dyed hair, Black/Blonde is a popular combination. Wears black eyeliner and coloured eyeshadow. Has the piercings pretty much the same as the scene boy the lip being the crucial one (the septum is also popular).

Adores leopard print tops or any animal print...

polka dots are also a trademark...

A bow in the hair is common...

Immatation pearl necklaces hanging from there necks...

And has the same interests as the scene boy.. stars, guns, myspace, hardcore shows, stupid hardcore dancing etc etc.

See scene, scene boy, scene girl, scene kid, scene whore


Stylish man or woman, deriving from an "Emo Kid".

But unlike "Emo Kids" Scene Kids normally wear the complimentary colors or they do go with a smiliar style to the Emo fashion.

Scene kids are not "gay" as some people claim.

It is a style, not a oreintation.

They normally wear scarves, or bandanas in their back pocket.

They also have a very technical hairstyle with two or more different colors.

Sometimes, they are more morbid then "Emo Kids" but normally they are "brighter".

Scene kids are sometimes self-absorbed.

But that does not mean they all are.

Scene kids are also known as, Fashion Kids.

Scene Kids are not gay just anti-mainstream.

See scene, kids, fashion, emo, kid


many of these deffinitions of "scene" kid are pretty dead on, but i beg to differ like any "sub culture" not all "scene" kids are jerks, etc

i think the backlash against these "jerk scene kids" has just resulted in the mainstream infiltrating the underground culture of what has become "scene" and so lots of "jocky boys" who just want sex and "holla back girls" who just want sex have latched on to it...

there are quite a few nice perfectly respectable people that are "scene"

people who are scene looking and follow the ideals without all the negativity...duh


Someone who is expressing themselves through the music they listen to and make and the clothes they wear.

So what if all scene kids dress the same! All the emos dress the same all the goths dress the same all the moshers dress the same EVERYONE DRESSES THE SAME! When you walk down the fucking street and see something someones wearing that you like you buy something like it its not copying its just gathering ideas you retards! so fuck if scene kids listen to music noones every heard of who gives a shit if they like it what fucking matters.

See scene, kid, emo, hardcore, scenesters


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