
What is Scotty?


crack/freebase cocaine; the experience of smoking crack (the high)

That hit sucked...I didn't see Scotty.

See crack, rock, hard, base, pebbles


Montgomery Scott played by Jimmy Doohan (pity about the accent)

Chief Engineer On the REAL starship Enterprise, could fix anything and frequently challenged the laws of physics and won!.See Star Trek

geordi la forge is Scotty's biatch

See beam me up, scots, kirk, enterprise


One who is unable to comprehend the multitude of the current situation he is in. In layman's terms, it is safe to naturally assume he doesn't know.

Random tosser: Wait, your name's Scott. Scotty doesn't know! Scotty doesn't know!

See eurotrip, scotty, random, tossers, pricks, not funny, funny


(n.)A gorgeous Angel. Worthy of all the riches and best things in the world. Loved by many. The whole world and one's whole heart. The most amazing person one experiences in their life. Sent by God. Perfection. Has an amazing voice. NOT A LIE.

Maya is SO in love with that Scotty...

See perfect, amazing, wonderful, awesome, dull, stupid, idiot, fake


a type of person who is ill, wicked, and in the blink of an eye will merk you. so be cautious

Why does that kid try to be such a scotty

See flava flav


the most sound a person can be

dude, you're so scotty

See the pope


A huge blunt that has been rolled by a bloody Scot, thus the smoke is thick and black, and it pulls so fiercely that it causes others (who aren't bloody scots) to cough furiously, and then drink large quantities of water in order to soothe their throat.

Dude (cough)....that scotty kicks like a fucking bitch! (cough cough)

See dutchies, phillies, blunts, l's


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