
What is Screb?


A dirty, unliked person.

Kiman is a nasty little screb

See scred, jeb, scrib, dirty


a warringtonian term for a scruffy bastard

Jonny never washes his bell end he's a fucking screb!

See one eyed milkman


horrible bits...horrible thing...dirty person

When your mate samples some food off your cuttlery, and leave bits of food and lip all over it...this is also known as screb. Or When you're drinking and you can see bits floating round in a drink, that is also screb Or When ur talking to someone, and there is a build up of white shit in the corner of their mouth...that is also screb (the worst kind imo) Somthing can be screbby aswell and so can a person...

but it can be used for any sort of ming...

See shit, muck, filth, ming, grim


A Screb is Somebody that has done something incredibly bad or incredibly good

Luke - "Marcus has Robbed your tenner"

Dale - "You Screb"

Matt - "I found a tenner"

Dale - "You Screb"

See steal, good, bad, tenner, weed


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