
What is Screen-dropping?


1. When someone sitting near you stares at your screen. Especially annoying when using Facebook, AIM, or sites that have 'sketchy' advertisements. This is similar to eavesdropping.

OMG, I was sitting in class the other day having an intense conversation on AIM, and the person next to me started annoying

See annoying, eavesdropping, screen, computer, facebook


A form of eavesdroppingwhereby a passer by or associate stares at the activities underway on one's screen, uninvited and unwanted, much to the discomfort of the computer's user.

Teen A - "So I was in ICT class the other day and I had some pictures of some bare celebs up, and Mr Milton totally caught me!"

Teen B - "Shit off, I bet he ran off and got you into loads of shit!"

Teen A - "Nah, the weird thing was... he just stood there and hoped that I wouldn't notice him. Classic Screen-Dropping if I ever did see it!"

Teen B - "Top notch."

See eavesdropping, spying, paranoia, mamamia, Disdain


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