Script Kiddies

What is Script Kiddies?


Term used to describe wannabe hackers who use other people's programs and methods to cause annoyance on the internet. They are scorned by real hackers, as their actions often give the hacker commmunity a bad name while serving no real purpose. Typical actions of a script kiddy (or script kiddie, it can be spelt either way) include defacing web sites, hacking forum accounts, and so on.

"A couple of script kiddies were messing around with the forums last night."

"Don't worry, most script kiddies grow out of it when they hit puberty."


The lowest form of cracker; script kiddies do mischief with scripts and programs written by others, often without understanding the exploit.

Renegade is such a script kiddie.


people who are more motivated towards using hacking tools than they are understanding them

stfu! I 4m m4d l33t, 3y3 w1ll h4x0r j00!

h4w h4w h4w j00 h4v3 b33n 0wned!!!111

God damnit kid, you WinNuke me one more time...



A normally pre-teen computer user that 'borrows' hacker programs to cause mischief. They do not understand how to make or use a true virus, but that's how they get their kicks/ Incapable of trying anything like 'red alert' or 'nimbda', they flock like vultures when a real worm opens up a hole in someone's security.

Bob: Script Kiddies attacked our board again.

Joe: Still got that trojan kicking around? I've got an IP tracker...


In the realm of computer science, a pejorative term used to describe a lower life form with no aptitude and a god complex.

You all made that game with point-and-click Game Studio?!? Ya bunch of script kiddies! Learn to code!

See script kiddie, script kiddy, hacker, cracker, n00b


Kids who would like to be el33t hackerz but just copy the work of others, thinking themselves cool.

Dem script kiddies think they be el33t haxors, but they really suxor! Dude, for real!


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