
What is Scroach?


Small arthropods that inhabit the genital area of a male. Cause itching and discomfort and may spread disease. Normally spread by sexual contact with the genitals of others or combing ball hair/man-bush with an infected comb or brush. Also known as crabs or lice.

Damn! I knew I shouldn't have slept with that slut; she gave me scroaches!

See crab, crabs, lice, genital, itch, scrotum, roach, testicle, balls


1. A term meaning to itch your scrotum.

2. A term meaning extraordinarily cool.

1. "I'm going to go scroach."

2. "Dude, that was scroach!"

See scroaching, itch, scrotum, cool, awsome


A phat nasty shit that rapes your asshole

I just took my daily scroach

that scroach burned my anus so hard

See shit, turd, nasty, bitch, fart, shart, poop


The croach of your scrotum, located directly bellow the peins where it folds over onto the scrotum.

My scroach sweats like sweating is going out of style.

See crotch, scrotum, gooch, sweaty, awsome


A drunken misconstrued version of Scrotum and Crotch.

Ryan passed out so I rubbed my scroach on his face.

See scrotum, crotch, beer, liquor


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