
What is Scroteus?


Scroteus (n.) {skroh-tee-uhs, tyoos}:

1. Classical Mythology. A lesser mangod of courageonicity and bravitude, son of Testiclees, The Greek God of Nards.

2. A person of exceptionally scrotal constitution usually exemplified by an act of fantastical ballsiness.

3. (lowercase) Cosmotology. The blue liquid in which combs are kept.

pl. scrotei {skroh-tee-ahy}

This is the dawning of the Age of Scroteus, AGE OF SCROTEUUUUUSSS! Scro-teeee-uuuuuuus!

See god, scrotum, testiclees, testicles, greek, mythology, balls, nutsack, coinpurse, courage


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