
What is Seat?


In reference to a woman's behind, her derrierre

hey, look at her, nice seat

oh wow, now theres a seat

look at that, look at her fat seat

See butt, ass, toilet, seat, onion


colloquially used to describe a person with a penchant for lying flat on their back and offering their face as a female's chair or resting place in anticipation of the double-glazing that will hopefully follow, generally for the entertainment of others and occasionally in exchange for money.

You're a fucking seat!! Woo!!

See seat, $20, double, glaze, donut


1- Any raised object on which one may rest the buttocks and legs by climbing upon.

2- Spain's national car

1- Take a seat

2- The Seat Leon is pretty fast.

See Gumba Gumba


one of the greatest inventions of all time. More of a concept really. Where would we be without a large, comfortable, arse-receptical? Nowhere, that's where. NOWHERE!!!

I need to sit down. Oh look, a seat. Thank christ.

See alex


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