Second Biggest Nerd

What is Second Biggest Nerd?


1. A nerd, who has a crush on/dating the biggest nerd in the school

2. A nerd who is almost the biggest. Can't quite get the highest grades.

3. A dumb person that acts like a nerd. (broken glasses, pocket protector, etc.)

4. A smart person that doesn't act like a nerd.

1. Melony: Lauren's the second biggest nerd in the school

Taylor: She's not that bad

Melony: Yeah, but she's totally hot for Peter

Taylor: Now THAT's a nerd

2. Sam's the second biggest nerd because he keeps getting damn 100s instead of 101s.

3. Bob wore broken glasses and snorted when he laughed. He even had a pocket protector! He was still just the second biggest nerd because he made all Fs.

4. Gina: Sally's the second biggest nerd.

Addie: No way! She's like, cool!

Gina: Yeah, but she's got the highest GPA in the school.

See nerd, school, peter, lauren, crush


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