What is Serial Experiments Lain?


The #1 best anime in existance. Not for the type of anime fan who prefers anime with mechas, "pretty" girls with superpowers and schoolgirl outfits, or space combat.

The only time I ever get to watch Serial Experiments Lain is on TechTV's Anime Unleashed, and TechTV isn't even on basic cable!


The Anime of ALL Anime. Former #1 winner of Japan's most Graphical and Best-Loved Animation of the year 1999 'till this very day. The four disc DVD set is a bitch to pay for, but worth the violence. The suicide, sexy mamas, and drugs prove that Serial Experiments Lain is not for the un-tampered minds. No one can prove it otherwise.

Lain Iwakura is the TRUE God of the wired and there and diddly-shit you can do about it. All preps can run home to their fucking Comic Partys and Tokyo Mew Mews.


Serial Experiments Lain is an awesome anime series, topped only by the likes of Neon Genesis Evangelion and Spriggan. It follows the tail of Lain Iwakura, a junior high school student who receives an Email from a girl who killed herself... and it only gets weirder.

(me watching Lain with a friend while very stoned after smoking lots of marijuana)

Me: ...

Jamie: ...

Me: I'm Hungry.

See Zerloch


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