
What is Severious?


Obviously a crossing of Serious, and Severe. used to punctuate as absolutely dire, or "not joking" statement or situation.

The Condition is Severious..

I am Severious.(when asked about the seriousness, or truthfullness of your statement).

Also, Severiously..


A combination of the words; severe and serious, to emphasize something that is not only serious or severe, but severely serious.

"dude, did you just see that fight then"

"yeah man, it was way severious"

See severe, serious, severious, seriously


Severious: The combonation of two distink words, Sever and Serious. It means to go over the top with something. To add an extreme action or force to a subject.

Dude:... I just FAILED all of my classes!!

Other dude: Are you Severious?... That is some Severious SHIT

See sever, serious, own, imply


A word combining the similar words "Severe," and "Serious." Invented by the same losers without lives as "Dafts", and can be used in any context that "Severe" or "Serious" would also be used.

The woman sat there in the E.R. with her eyes staring downwards at the tiles, daring not to think of the approaching doom her husband surely awaited. Nonetheless, the doctor came from the backroom and approached her. The doctor spoke with an almost angry tone, assumedly shunning his own shortcomings. The doctor spoke now:

"Ma'am," he said with regret, "I'm sorry to inform you that your husband has a very... severious condition."

See severe, serious, severious, serios, sever


From "severe" and "serious". Important, acute, and/or demanding prompt attention.

We got some severious problems developing at work.

Ive got the most severious headache right now.


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