Shark Fin

What is Shark Fin?


Term derived from Jaws which refers to a womens clitoris that is engorged, peeking out of the labia refering to Jaws fin out of water.

that bitch over there had a huge shark fin.


To uppercut someone wearing a hoodie from behind, causing the hood to turn inside out. The resulting "fin" is flattened, and stood up straight.

LOL, Chicklette! You got shark finned!

See shark, fin, shark fin, shark finned, lol


A person of any sex(usually female) that has breasts that sag in such a way that they closely resemble the shape of a shark fin. Sagging downward to a point.

Guy 1: Dude check out the ass on that one.

Guy 2: (scoff)take a better look its shark fin.

Guy 1: Fuck, that ruined my whole afternoon.

See woman, girl, chick, vagina, tit, breast


A woman that has breasts that sag downward to a point with a curve that closely resembles the shape of a shark fin.

Guy 1: Dude check out the ass on that one.

Guy 2: (scoff)take a better look its shark fin.

Guy 1: You gotta be shitting me....(takes a second to notice)FUCK! Stab my eyes out with a pen.

See woman, tits, ass, shark face, shark tooth, vagina


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