
What is Sheepshagger?


Someone who prefers the sexual company of sheep

That Adrian Jones is a right sheepshagger


Put-down given to someone or peoples that live in the wilderness where there are mroe sheep than people.

See wales.


See Gumba Gumba


someone who lives in a secluded place surrounded by farms which they visit during the evening time

He was accused of being a sheepshagger


see " Aberdonian "

Here, there's that Aberdonian boy, he's a real sheepshagger

See deviant, sicko


a tribe in newzealand who screws sheep, the ethinics of this tribe spread all over newzealand so now every kiwi is now offically a sheepshagger

sheepshagger some one who shags sheep

See shag, sheep, screw, scott, wade


A term for a Welshman.

Youse a sheepshagger mate.

See sheepshagger, sheep, shagger, welsh, wales, person


a person who engages in sexual activity with a sheep

He got convicted of bestiality; lousy sheepshagger got 5 years.

See sheepfucker, bestiality, perv, pervert, sicko


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