
What is Shit'lins?


(as opposed to 'Litt'lins) Council estate children aged from around 2-9 years old. Mal-nourished (due to their diet of micro chips, turkey dinosaurs and Kwick Save cherryade), filthy dirty, foul mouthed, usually dressed in knock-off local market designer clothes. Parents (single mums who spend their benefits on lambert & butler, scratchcards, and peroxide blonde bleach) chuck them out the house all day so they can fuck their cousins in peace. They hang around in gangs, throwing stones at cars, shouting badly pronounced swear words and being so inbred, have under-developed bodies, dribble, are covered in snot and marmite and should be culled.

"Why are you looking so pissed off, Will?"

"A bunch of shit'lins on the Amory council estate pelted my Jag with stones as I drove by."

See council estate, benefits, giro, chavs, kids


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