
What is Shizzel?


Used for confirmation. Means "Sure" or "certain", can also be used in place of "You know it"

Fo' Shizzel my Nizzel

See Phatty


something shit hot, really cool and unique and your the first one to discover it to all your friends.

kurt butler's belt that is the shizzel lmao !

See shit hot, cool


those you think they are snoop-dogg. Or think they are "pimpin'" By acting like snoop-dogg.

People who use the words "homie" "fo-shizzel (any words that rhyms with "shizzel") "_-dawg" Or people who put "zz" on the end of words... such as nufinkzz... Laterzz... and words that they spell retardedly to begin with. People who call "50 cent" "fitty"

See homies, try hards, gangstas


the frizzy paper stuff on the side of a piece of paper that you pull out of a notebook.

"When my math teacher collected my homework, she asked me to remove the shizzel from my paper."

See paper, stuff, thing, fraz, friz


its the dope, bomb, bangin,sweet shit

like is that some shizzel your doing or are you just happy to see me


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