
What is Shmegma?


A incorrect spelling of smegma. However a somewhat common error.

I gave my cousin a smegma version of a dirty sanchezwhile he was sleeping last night because he set me up with a swamp donkey that kicked me in the nuts when I gave her a jersey turnpike


Shmegma is a waxy like white stuff that is on the uncircumsized penis, and if not cleaned daily it will get very cake like and start to smell.

Your shmegma smells!

See mandy


A culmination of ass hair, sweat, and dirt which builds up on your taint when there is a lack of proper washing for a few days.

When a soldier is in the field and showers are very scarce, shmegma makes for a good spread for the wheat bread found in MRE's.


a cottage cheese like substance inside the inner flap of a dirty vagina

nigga, i was fuckin this bad bitch and this shmega shit came all over my dick


The crust the grows under an uncircumsized penis. Boogery and gross.

Andrew Jiras eats shmegma.


Any sort of unknown jelly like substance.

my new shoes got shmegma on them on the way to work.

See goo, jizz, snot, jell, trash


testicular ball sweat, due to hot temperatures and/or exercise.

My tennis compression shorts are soaked with shmegma, it smells disgusting and is all wet.

See sweat, underwear, smelly, moist, soaked


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