
What is Shmekel?


Shmekel- This Jewish slang word refers to a properly circumcised wang. It is the centerpiece in Israeli porn. In fact most Israeli secular media is not complete without one.

Shmekel is the male hose.

See shmekel, israeli, porn, wang, hose


This Jewish slang word refers to a properly circumcised wang. It is the centerpiece in Israeli porn. In fact most Israeli secular media is not complete without one.

Randy Agadi: Was it necessary to show his shmekel in the movie?

Film Director: Of course, it wouldn't be the same without it, it would only be rated R and nobody would watch it

See randy, israeli, shmekel, porn, wang


Yiddish for a prepubecent penis

Awe....doesn't he have a cute little shmekel....

See schmekel, weiner, micropenis, wanger, dick


n. see dick slap

v. to slap someone with your dick

I came up behind her and shmekeled her in the ass. She loves that kind of shit.


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