
What is Shoryuken?


A Japanese phrase that literally translates to "rising dragon punch", used to describe one of the most powerful strikes utilized in the martial art discipline of Shotokan Karate depicted in the popular Capcom video game series, Street Fighter.

Ryu exclaims "shoryuken", while leaping upwards to deliver an uppercut punch to his opponent.

See Ken


Also known as a Dragon Punch. Used by Ryu and Ken in Street Fighter.

"Ryu cleaved me out of the air with a well-time shoryuken."


A dragon punch in streetfighter.

toward, down, down-toward + punch


That move in Street Fighter that makes jumping useless.

noob: I'm gonna jump!

Ryu: Don't do it... I'm warning you!

noob: ARRRRGHH!!!

Ryu: Idiot... SHORYUKEN!!!


(noob takes damage)

See ken, ryu, akuma, own, pwn


That anti-air dragon punch move used by the "Shotos" in the Street Fighter series. Despite having almost legendary status, it really is just throwing an uppercut and jumping in the air. Try it at home. You can probably do it. Its not really that amazing in practice except on online matches/arcade machines.

Bad Shoto Player: I'm really good with Ryu! Hadouken! Hadouken! Hadouken!

Veteran Street Fighter Player: Stop fireball-spamming! (jumps over fireballs)

Bad Shoto Player: Haha you jumped! Shoryuken!

Veteran Street Fighter Player: (Proceeds to shoryuken uppercut nOOb until he runs his 12-year old ass out of the room.

See ryu, shoryuken, ken, akuma, street fighter


The coolest thing to scream over Xbox live everytime you hit/ kill/pwn/ dominateanyone.

<1337haxx0r69> OMG SHORYUKEN!!!11!!!111!!!11!!!!1

<Icantplaygames> u r annoying, go get a g/f dude

<1337haxx0r69> I have one...jenny

See jenny, jpeg, hadoken, pwnage, fist, street fighter, nk, William Woody


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