Shot In The Face

What is Shot In The Face?


"shot in the face" can be used in any situation where a person has truley fucked up the lives of other people. Thereby dismantling perfectly happy lives without regret.

The creator of Alf, the television sitcom series should be shot in the face for taking up valuable television viewing time.

Person 1: My God, wtf is Alf

Person 2: haha, it's some shitty show from the 80's. The person who thought it up should be shot in the face.

Person 1: yer I know, I'd so much rather be watching Friends right now aye.

Person 2: maybe you should be the one being shot in the face. Friends! Wtf I thought you said you'd stopped puffing the magic dragon.

See shot in the face, face, in, shot, shob, alf, shit, ruined, friend


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