Shy Turtle

What is Shy Turtle?


When you let a little bit of shit come out, and then squat over someone's face, smearing your shit around a bit.

Then withdraw the poop back into your ass, like a shy turtle.

When Matt and Nick were younger, Matt used to shy turtle Nick in his sleep.

See shy, turtle, poop, shit, face, nick, matt


When a male's penis shrinks to the point of almost going back inside the cavity from which it came. The balls act as a visual representation of the tortoise shell and the head of the penis as, you guessed it, the head of the turtle.

Man did you see Hank's wiener? It looked like a fuckin shy turtle!

See turtle, wiener, peener, peenie, shell, cock, balls, schlong, wang


When one of your close friends acts shy around you for no appearent reason

Make a fist, Poke your thumb out of the middle of the four fingers and slowly withdraw it.

"Sonny sits at our table everyday but doesnt say shit"

"Thats a shy turtle"

Make a fist, Poke your thumb

See awkward turtle, weird, sketchy, strange, Wooplah


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