
What is Shyguy?


Problematic mask-wearing character in the Mario universe. Not particularly dangerous but can kill if ignored.

Damn, I can't believe I was killed by Shyguy!

See mario, shy guy, mask


A Boy (is a boy no matter what age, shyguy/shyman is an oxymoron) who doesn't beleive in himself and exhibits this with fear of interacting with other people. If he does have a girlfriend, she is usually a fat girl. Contrary to popular belief, shy girls go for macho men, not their apparent shyguy counterpart, unless of course the shy guy is tall and handsome, then he can luck out and get shy nerdy girl.

Wow, Robert is such a shyguy.. Look at him walking down the street with his head hung down. I wonder how come he never looks me in the eye when talking to me?! Ah, but that fat girl walking with him don't care, because she knows its the best she can do!

See bitterness, shyguy, love, spurned, lonely, fat girl


A very cool guy, the coolest guy on the internet. Smart, sophisticated and devistatingly attractive to women and all around nice guy.

Alpha Male

See shyguy


horny ass white boy tryina be like me!

shyguy wants to be like shygirl


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