
What is Sib?


short for Suck It Bitch

bob: joe you're an idiot

joe: SIB


Short for sibling. Brother or sister, mostly for borthers.

Yo, Sib. Mom just said I'm her favorite


Acronym for "sweaty itchy butt" usually caused by inadequate wiping after a B.M., or lack of shower after defecating.

My buttcheeks are sticking together due to this horrible case of sib.

See swamp ass, mud butt, anal leakage, shart, skid mark


SIB is an acronym for Strangers in a Bait Shop, which refers to having a stronger desire to impress people that you do not have any acquaintance with rather than to solve problems with someone who you are deeply connected with. The word derives from the episode of the Simpsons where Homer and Marge go on holiday to solve their marriage problems and Homer ends up spending the whole time trying to catch a giant catfish that 3 hillbillies in a local fishing bate shop were talking about. It is particularly significant to online and gamer relationships people have with each other that can take priority over real life issues.

Wife: Darling please, we need to speak about our marriage!

Husband: Listen, love. If I don't beat Bonk111 in the Fifa 09 International Cup final of Ultimate team, I won't get a wink of sleep tonight!! Let go of my arm, goddammit!!

Wife: How dare you sib me!

See sib, sbi


Acronym for Still In Box

Often used in regards to makeup buying/selling.

This lip gloss is SIB.

See bnib, nib, lnib, bn, ln


Self Injurious Behavior

That person just had a SIB when he punched himself.

See sib


An acronym for a Spooning Induced Boner. A common malady for young, male, virgins. A side effect for the receiver is a minor bruise in the thigh/hip region. This will hurt for 4-7 days minimum, depending on the size of the offending boner.

"Oh man, I have a bruise the size of a quarter on my buttocks! What can it be from?!"

"OOOOOhh that's from a SIB!"

See boner, spooning, bruising, penis-poke


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