What is Siihb?
Abbreviation for "stick it in her butt."
Could be used for "his butt" too.
Seemed to have originated from PhantasyTour message boards by dirty hippies.
"I went on a hot date last night."
"Did you ssihb?"
Abbreviation for "stick it in her butt."
Could be used for "his butt" too.
"I went on a hot date last night."
"Did you siihb?"
This actually originated from Be-mag message board by a bunch of kick ass aggressive rollerbladers who own you and your mother. I will credit the user BMV aka Hatecrew Deathroll who is said to say the first instance of siihb on the internet and in history.
"I went on a hot date last night."
"Did you siihb?"
Stick it in her butt.