
What is Simone?


Simone is a girl who is fun to be around and talk to and has a good sense of humour and loves to make jokes, she is very social with a beatiful body but doesnt worry about what she eats, She can be quiet sometimes but it doesnt mean she isnt up for making jokes or having fun, She is practicly the best person in the world.

Guy1: Wow, look at her i bet her name's Simone

Guy2: Yea i bet ur right

See beautiful, social, fun


Simone is a crazy my extremley hot girl who weirdos are strangley attracted to. She is also the most bangable ass in rock n roll ;)

Woah...she must be a simone.

See simone, rock, roll, hot, weird


Super sexy, totally worth fukin

should get to her shes totally hot

luving simone aka simon haha

luv u babe

Just the best babe out ayy simone

she disagrees

See hot, gawjus, best, mine


A very skinny joint in which the paper can roll around the weed 3 times while rolling it. AKA an extreme Pinsky.

I only have a few tiny weed crumb, so i can only roll myself a Simone.

See pinsky, pinner, joint, weed, spliff


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