
What is Sinergy?


The best metal band ever. The band hails from Finland, and is fronted by the ex-wife of insane metal musician Alexi Laiho (the lead singer/guitarist of Children of Bodom, the second best metal band ever).

-Dude, have you heard "Spit on your grave" by sinergy? It's the most badass song ever

-No i haven't, cause I am a tool...

See metal, finland, sinergy, children of bodom, synergy


The interaction of the mind, body, and soul to create an enhanced combined energy with the focus on partaking in sinful or hedonistic activities. The resulting combined effect is greater than the sum of the individuals.

The sinergy we created made our lovemaking experience explosive.

See sinergy, sinful, hedonism, mind, body, soul


Energy to do sin for pleasure. (Usually sex, but can involve crime, etc.)

Oh baby, I have the sinergy within,

the energy to have sex, to sin for a grin.

See energy, sex, crime, pimp, gangsta


Energy to do sin for pleasure. (Usually sex, but can involve crime, etc.)

Oh baby, I have the sinergy within,

the energy to have sex, to sin for a grin.

See energy, sex, crime, pimp, gangsta


The interaction of two or more agents or forces in transgression of a religious or moral law (especially when deliberate), so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects.

Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski had a great sinergy together.


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