
What is Sissy?


wimp, pussy, weak

cant fight or is scared to do somthing bad

You are a little sissy ass bitch.Ill kick ur ass.


a boy or man who enjoys little girls clothing. Especially babyish clothing. Lots of frills. Not always straight or gay. Likes to be treated like a babygirl. Likes tea partys and playing with dollys.

Boys who likes to dress in babydoll clothes. Wears diapers and sucks on a pacifier. Like a baby crossdresser

See Tabitha


straight girly guy


An affectionate female nickname derived from the word sister. Sissy is a common nickname for a female sibling. It can also be a nickname given to a girl by others that she has cared for or behaved sisterly towards. The nickname implies that the girl is a sister or is regarded as such by family and friends. All in all, a sweet, caring girl :-)

See sister, sis, girl, female

Little Sis: I love you, Sissy.

Sissy: Awww, I love you too.

See Sissy


a little weak wimpy guy who loves to create drama to make up for sad weak miserable existence. No lifer. A perso whos weak.

vitale is such a sissy. He creates these big dramas to forget about his SAD miserable life.

See sissy, wussy, weak, crap, life


A guy who gets out of the bathtub to take a leak.

A guy who takes his chew out before he eats.

Walden is a great big sissy. He steps into the can to scratch his arse.

See wimp, liberal, mush wimp, chew, piss, take a leak, drain the toad


A very close and dear friend. Someone who is, or whom you consider, to be a sister. Someone who will never let you down and be by your side for life.

My sister gets mad when I call her 'sissy', but I know deep inside she loves me!

See sister, best friend, sibling, friend, cutesy


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