Sister In-law

What is Sister In-law?


Is a sister much like an evil step sister

that you get pasella when you marry the idiotthat you thought was the love of your life but is actually a lazymotherfucker who still needs his asswiped by his mommy. Anyhow Sister-in-law is nother like a sister most of them are fatugly bitchesthat should just diehorrible painfull deaths. To narrow it down they are uglybloodsuckingwankers.

5 years ago:

Bianka: Hi my name is Bianka I love your brother.

Sister in law: You are not good enough for my brother he deserves to be with someone like Britney Spears.


Sister in-law: OMG my brother deserves better.

Bianka: o go fuck yourself ugly bitch I think he deserves Britney spears they are both useless fuckers that are soooo stupid and they both have smelly arm pitts.

See ugly, fat, nasty, stupid


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