
What is Skonk?


A word generally referring to marijuana, but which can also be used as a verb.

"Yo, got any skonk"

"I skonked so hard last night"

See weed, smoking, skonk, figgas


A slutty girl more often refered to as a "slut" with a little twist in the middle.

You don't wanna mess with that girl man, she a skonk!

See slut, bitch, skank, heina, morra


<noun> a drawn, as graffiti, penis. <verb> skonking-the act of drawing a penis as graffiti.

There is a skonk on my notebook. Someone skonked the bathroom stall.

See graffiti, skonker, dick, drawing


A very smelly (stanky) vagina. Often times the vagina is also very sweaty and leaky.

No one could stand being in the same room as Jessica because of her ripping sloppy skonk.

See stinky, sloppy, slappy, slushy, skank


A very smelly (stanky) vagina. Often times the vagina is also very sweaty and leaky.

No one could stand being in the same room as Jessica because of her ripping sloppy skonk.

See stinky, sloppy, slappy, slushy, skank


when you smell worse than a skunk, you're a fucking skonk.

god James, take a shower you're skonk'd.

See neu


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