
What is Skoof?


A name given to many players of World of Warcraft that have both TUSKS and FEET. Often used as a derogatory term.

Man you're being such a skoof, get away from me you aren't getting any epix.

See skoof, troll, hellfish, tusks, feet


The act of sick burning. (Ice Burn)

Oh man he Skoof'd you so bad, you didn't even have a comeback!

See skoof, ice burn


skoof is the new skeet. too many people said skeet, so we needed skoof. it can mean either good or bad.

"Shit i got an F on my geometery test even though i studied"

"Dude thats hella skoof."


"Hey i got an A on my geometery test"

"Nice dude! Skoof!"

See cheap, skeet, not cool, unfair, yay


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