Slut Butt

What is Slut Butt?


When a girl's thong underwear shows over the top of her pants. Similar to plumbers butt, but on a girl. plumbers butt

Many guys/pigs like this look, but classy girls avoid having slut butt.

Eeeww, that girl has slut butt! My eyes!!!

See plumbers butt, tacky


a girl that fucks a lot of guys and knows that but acts innocent. When you see her the slut just comes to your head and you just know she likes to get fucked hard.

Hey come here you little slut butt.


When someone rolls the tobacco from cigarettebutts in a zig-zag.

"i was hurting for smokes, so i rolled up a slut butt"


one who sells their buttox on a regular basis for the pleasure of men. usually these butts become cum harden and the slut butt has problems in taking shits

"Look at that constipated slut butt"


Britney H.! shes such a slut but and sunny likes!!!

wow stop being such a lovely slut butt!

See Sunny


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