Slut Puppies

What is Slut Puppies?


a bitchthat has many children with different and unknown fathers. Therefore the children would be slut puppies.

Goodness look at all them slut puppies running around that bitches house.


a felacious female who wants it so bad, her tongue hangs out like a puppy. in order for a female to qualify as a slut puppy, she must also be as cute as a puppy.

im gonna clean the fuck outta my bike so i can pull some slut puppies when we go downtown this weekend!

i was wearing a fresh ass Gucci outfit and when i walked into the party i looked around and all the girls were looking at me like slut puppies!

See slutpuppy, goin, ho, down, felacious


A man who uses women in enery way. Takes their money, lives at their expense, screws their girlfriends friends. He is after whatever he can get. A man who freeloads off of women.

Will fall for any slut.

The name of my band is the Slut Puppies.

We screw all the band sluts.

See 80's, slang, male, whore, casa nova


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