
What is Snappers?


In marijuana culture, snappers are also sometimes refered to as "One'ies" (Wun-Eez). Basically you pack just enough to get one good green hit and then have it extinguish on its own. Efficiency is the name of the game with snappers.

"dude, my jar is almost empty so we should just do snappers"

See weed, smoking, pot, snap, kush, oneie


An exclamation said after a time where somthing you spent a lot of time and effort on was going your way and then in a second all hopes of becoming successful in that particular field are gone.

The most appropriate time for Snappers to be used is when the conclusion is forgone, however the parties are double blind to this fact until the end of the event, AND when more severe language is not particularily condoned.

Colleague One: I just spent 4 hours with the client who said he would sign the deal, only to find out that his boss had already signed with our competitor.

Colleague Two: Fu- (looks around, sees their boss)- SNAPPERS!

See snapple, angry, exclamation, jkl


Snappers are various drugs injected with about the tiniest gauge needles on the market that inject directly into the penis and give you a hardon. Lots of porn industry types use those.

"I need a hardon now - I think I'll use some snappers."


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