What is Snotface?
1. A person who is snotty (stuck up/conceited).
2. A child with snot all over their face.
Word coined by the movie
You are so stuck up you snotface!
16-22 yr old female indie-kid from the early 1990s. Listens to Nirvana and the like. Likes to drink and smoke and is quite loud.. Dress code mainly black and wears Doc Martin boots. If a snotface is wearing black tights or stockings you can guarantee they will have large holes in them.
Sexually uninspiring and lacklustre in bed. Male equivalent is called a "Young Weasel." A popular hangout was a pub called the Dome in Tuffnell Park, North London back in early 90s.
Hey man check out that snotface, I bet her knickers stink of stale piss.