Snow Balling

What is Snow Balling?


1) What an ex-girlfriend does to get back at her boyfriend.

How To Perform a Snow Ball On a Guy:

First the girl must trick the guy into giving him a blowjob (not hard to do). Once the guy jizzes in her mouth, she must keep it in her mouth until she goes back up to kiss the guy and spit it all back in his mouth.

1) My friend Ryan said to me one time, "Look. Once a girl does that to me, it's time to start smacking the bitch around."

See Fuzzy


after a woman performs oral sex on a man and than spits his cum into another womans mouth.

after i blew my load in her mouth she grabbed her girlfriend and went snow balling.

See cum swapping


When your sucking a guy's dick and he cum's in your mouth and you spit it in his mouth and he swallow's it...eww

I heard my x is in to snow balling man i'am so glad i left him , that faggot!

If your down wit snow balling and your a dude, does that make you gay?

See snow ball, snow baller, snowballer


The act of making a snowball during the winter season, targeting sombody's house, car, decorations, awnings, or anything else that will disturb people or make loud noises, throwing the snowballs at it and running, for fun.


Jake: what?

Shorts: Shawn and I went on top of the abandoned church last night, and snowballed this guys car, and he chased us into the woods! it was halerious!

Jake: Hahaha! Joe and I are going snow balling tonight and hitting up some houses! haha.

Cody: Hey asshole that was my fucking dads car you hit! Just wait dude, im gonna fucking uber pwn you noobs.

See snowballing, snow balling, snowballs


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