
What is Snozberries?


In Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Willie Wonka mentions licking snozberries. What most people don't know is that in one of Dahl's adult books, snozberry is a euphamism for penis. He was slipping dirty humor into a kid's book for his private amusement.

"...The snozberries taste like snozberries..." "What's a snozberry?" "I'm a trifle deaf in my left ear, next time speak up!"


The snozberries taste like snozberries.

Who on Earth ever heard of a snozberry?

i did! so shuttup. now suck my snozberries

See snoz, berry, willy, wonka, factory


grapes that are made entirely out of bogies...

the snozberries taste like snozberries...

See teegan


Berries that reside in your nose and tend to have homosexual tendencies. These tiny berries cause you to sneeze/hump trees.

MAN: Doctor! Doctor! I keep uncontrolably humping trees. What should I do!

MAD DOCTOR: You obviously have a bad case of snozberries.

See Nick


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