Something Else

What is Something Else?


Person or happenstance with unusual, funny, quirky, and strange -- perhaps bizzarre -- qualities

Michael Jackson is FOR SURE something else.

See unusual, quirky, michael jackson, oner, strange


A way of declaring that you are going to drink, without really declaring it. Very convienient.

No thanks, I don't want to go to the show. I'd rather spend my money on something else.

See i, want, to, do, something, else


Someone or something that cannot be described in words. It's not a good thing, but a great one.

Natjoh: guess what happen?

Moe: what?

Natjoh: chicken butt, haha

Moe: lol, you're something else

Natjoh: thanks :) so are you

See great, amazing, indescribable, remarkable, wonderful


When someone busts a Johnny Love (See 'Johnny Love')

Man, the fact that Aimee entered herself into the urban dictionary is something else...


Aimee DuBois

Aimee, you are something else.


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