South Of Nowhere

What is South Of Nowhere?


the perfect tv show for teens 13 to 19. the basic storyline is as follows:

The Carlin family moves from middle america to LA and are swept up in this fast paced new world. their kids, Spencer, Glen, and Clay, have their own issues to deal with.

Spencer, the youngest, is questioning her sexuality, but things get clearer when she meets Ashley Davies, who is a lesbian.

Glen, the star basketball player at his old highschool, now competes with Aiden Dennison for the spotlight.

clay, A black teen who was adopted into the carlin family, now deals with friends in highschool who "act black"

"now we're in LA, where everything moves faster, harder." -Spencer carlin, episode 1, secret truths, from South of Nowhere

See lesbian, the-n, degrassi, teen, issue


the same as calling a man "Brokeback" execpt applied to woman, because of The-N tv show "South of Nowhere"

"She was turning all south of nowhere on me, I dont swing that way!

See lesbian, gay, queer, homosexual, brokeback


A tv show on the n, where one of the characters thinks shes gay, but that doesnt really matter cuz i dont think anyone really even pays attention to her. Her brother, Glen thinks he is so amazingly cool just because he's dating a cheerleading Slut, Madison, who totally sucks. Her other brother is a nerd who is just trying to get through high school. Ashley is so mysterious: "In high school, it's all about being somebody." Hmm...

Aiden is so damn messed up...I think he should just be out of the show...maybe like somehow die of a strange disease and get off the show! That's South of Nowhere.

Glen: Gay. That's what the word is.

Hey have you seen the show south of nowhere

yeah that show totally kicks ass...if only aiden and madison weren't on it...ew

See gay, homosexual, the-n, noggin, high school


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