Soviet Union

What is Soviet Union?


A nation whose government killed more people than Hitler, built more nuclear weapons than America, oppressed more people in a larger region than any other nation in history, and fell becuase hundreds of millions of people decided they didn't want to live under an illegal government.

Russia now is a tatter of a shread. Their military has less than 400,000. Their ships are afraid to sail beyond their coastlines. Their "government" is more corrupt than any American coroporation. Their money is worthless. Boy, Russia is such a grand place now!

The USSR's military was the most problem-ridden ever to have existed and they would not have won against the United States in a land war.

Don't listen to wannabe scene-loving "punks" about the USSR. Stalin was worse than hitler and the only way it "solved other country's disputes" was by murdering their government officials and rolling in the tanks. Idiots on these boards need to practice what they preach and read into the fact that the Soviet Union was the worst fascist nation ever to exist.

See fascism, russia, ussr, china, nuclear weapons


A place where cars drive you.

(replace "union" with "Russia"

See dj_gs68


A country that was born in the 1920's due to the Russian Revolution led by Lenin, leader of the Bolsheviks. The CCCP (USSR) was born in spite of the longing for a utopia in which all social classes were abolished,however the idealistic dream was never reached, this can be mostly attributed to Josef Stalin, who imposed several 5 year plans to 'help' the Soviet economy, and Stalin immidiately turned the young nation into a totalitarion dictatorship in which secret police operated, not unlike fascism. However, I, being a Communist, still support the failed dream and attempt of a utopia, such an attempt reflects the potentiality for overall selflessness and charity. May Communisms strong ideal live for all days.

The Soviet Union was an example of a failed attempt at Communism and only further made the form of government disputed among nations, precisely what Cuba, China, Vietnam, North Korea, and other nations are doing today.


Worst union in the world, dictature, propaganda, all bad things :(

Look, those people want Soviet Union back!



If america invaded russia during the cold war, they would give the russians democracy.

If russia invaded america during the cold war, they would give the americans standardized health care, and affordable housing.

UN Diplomat: Soviet Union, we thought you guys broke up years ago...

Russian Diplomat: That is what we wanted you to think!


A country that still exists. The Soviets tricked us into thinking that they broke up in the 90s, but they really didn't.

The reason why the Siovet Union did not break up in the 90s was because they had no reason to. Bigger country=more power.


A country formed in the 1920's under a man named Lenin. Would probally would have been a good country and had a moderate communistic economy but Stalin shattered thoses dreams. Stalin killed any person who disagreed or threw them in jail. One of the major reasons why WWII was won was the Soviet Union. The, comited a small anti-semitic genocide after WWII. Also turned nearly evry nation he conqored into a communist nation like the Soviet Union. It was like living in Nazi Germany except a diferent ruler (Stalin) and a different economy (communism). Thank god he died in the 1950's. Later, because of Satlin, it became the new enemy of the West, until the 1980's when the Soviet union collapsed. If the Soviet Union lasted under Lenin longer or Satlin did not come into power, this nation could have been maybe even a good ally of the west.Just a note, i am NOT a communist. I am just interperting history the way i see it and a making hypothisis.

The Soviet Union produced one of the best tanks of WWII, the T-34.

See stalin, lenin, cold war, wwii


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