Space Cowboy

What is Space Cowboy?


(n.) Stoner, pothead, somebody who constantly smokes marijuana.

Yo, that guy is such a space cowboy.

See stoner, pothead, toker


a F2PMMORPG involving spacecrafts called gearsand shooting down other gears which can be both NPCSor online players. Also known as Ace online in some countries, but most commonly known as Space Cowboy in north america

Let's play Space Cowboy!

yay! i'm level 2 in Space Cowboy!

See game, mmorpg, f2p, flight simulator


noun a cool/hip and slightly aloof individual who regularly gets super high and goes about his normal buisness constantly getting stoned.

That space cowboy is flying at the speed of cheeba!

See weed, pot, cheeba, space, bud, marijuana, greens, dro


Sex position where the female ties her legs to a ceiling fan, spins in circles nude, and the male has various attempts to pork her.

My woman was too fat when we tried the space cowboy, and the fan broke.


An irritating discussion board troll who likes to put others down in a poor attempt to make himself look good.

Unfortunately he has yet to realise that his online persona is pathetic, at best, and that other posters regard him as nothing more than an irritatinghas-been.

Space Cowboy is so taupe.


Gay as a teletubbie on parade, although not nearly as exciting, and as equally worthwhile.

Oh, Space_Cowboy's here.

/ignore Space_Cowboy


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