
What is Spagane?


1: A dish of lasagne made with spaghetti rather than lasagne sheets.

2: A dish of lasagne made with a substitute for lasagne sheets

3: Any pasta dish where the traditional pasta has been replaced by whatever is to hand, it need not even be pasta

4: "Spaganify", to substitute a critical ingredient in any meal with another simply because you didn't have one but you had the other. (also "spaganified" act of spaganifying)

5: "Spaganification", the act of spaganifying

"Spaganified", to improve a traditional dish by spaganification

Origins: (SPAGhetti + lasAgNE) Spagane was originally created by Mrs. M. Sharpe and named by DR Smith in June 2008. It occured due to a lack of lasagne sheets and having spaghetti subsituted for it.

Traditional SPAGANE looks like a 3 week old rotted corpse. The white sauce combined with tomato, beef and spaghetti strings looks like a decomposing body where the fat and flesh are liquefying and over-run with maggots. It is quite possibly because of this that it tastes so much better than it looks.

Thos who are capable of putting spagane in their mouths claim that it is in fact superior to the original dish, possibly because it absorbs more moisture than lasagne sheets and those who would not normally eat lasagne claim it has a better texture.

Scientific research continues.

(alternatives: Fusilagne, Tagagne, Basmatagne, though this version, substituting basmati rice for lasagne has not been well recieved)

See spagane, lasagne, lasagna, sharpe, food


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