
What is Spankalicious?


extremely awesome

awesome in a sexual way

or especially thrilling.

That movie was spankalicious!

-I just got some new pokemon cards today.

-Really? That's spankalicious.

See spankin, spankalious, awesome, nifty


A sexy body you would love to spank

That girl is spankalicious

See sexy, hot, good looking, attractive, stunning


Means very good, could refer to food, partys, sex or whatever you want

Joe - Dude that party last night was SPANKALICIOUS!!

Matt - You know it

See awesome, awesomeness, spankalicious, nub, jesus


When someone is so hot that you want to "spank your monkey". Derived from delicious being tasty, and spank which means to hit the butt with the hand.

John saw the bikini girl across the way and thought to him self"Thank god there is no bathroom around, because that girl is spankalicious!"

See spank, good, hot, captain, fun


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