
What is Spanktastic?


Adj. A description attributed to a place, emotion or person to convey the feeling of excitement and satisfaction often with undertones of sexuality.

"That girl is totally spanktastic."

See Pip


Used to describe something which is excellent, shit hot, worth the wait etc.

Opposite of craptastic

dude1: woooww, dude2 my mum is soo totally spanktastic!

dude2: ?


1.) Someone or something so sexy that it makes you want to spank the monkey.

2.) An ass so fine that when you see it you want to give it a smack.

3.) A severe bitch-slap beat down.

Wow that porn was spanktastic!

Holy shit that ass is spanktastic!

He got shit-kicked last night it was spanktastic!

See spanky, spanker, wank, wanker, wankfest, spankfest


A really good masterbation session

Last night was spanktastic


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