
What is Spanky?


Term of endearment referring to a male's masturbatory habits.

Hey, Spanky. You think you can drop that lotion long enough to hit the clubs tonight?


When you just want to slap a girls ass because it appears so perfect.

That girl has a spanky ass.


A nickname, or rather synonym for the first name "Spencer". Sometimes shortened to Spanks. To be used to anyone going by said name. No exceptions.

Paul: "Oh, hey Spencer."

Spencer: "Don't you mean 'Spanky'?"

Paul: "My bad. Hey Spanky."

See spencer, nickname, nick, name, spanky, spank, spanks


(adjective) : A descriptive adjective that shows the noun in a positive fashion.

"Wow, Dad, those pants are spanky."—Edna-Jean, September 3, 2008

See adjective, positive, slang, cool, fat, bad, badass, sweet


hunky dory. Feelin fine. Happy as a clam.

Me and my monkey are feeling mighty spanky today.

See Harmony


Useless tosser who shows an unhealthy interest in the age old art of bondage.

Actually has no clue!

Put your whip away before Spanky shoots his load! (when in fact the whip is made from liquorice)

Piss off Spanky, you dont have a clue!


the fattest thing known to exist

Wife: honey do I look Spanky in this dress?

Husband: no bitch


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