
What is Spanos?


1. A man or woman, of greek dissent, who is an impressive perspicacious leader within a given community.

2. A golden greek god.

The word originated from the common name assigned to greek immigrants with a surname too complicated or inconsistant for immigration inspectors at Ellis Island, NY. Because most immigrants, by coincidence or the will of God, assigned with this name became quite successful or, in the least, badass people the word developed into the context in which is it used today.

"I told my grandpa I broke up with my girlfriend. He replied, you need to play the field more anyway. He's such a Spanos."

"So the guy behind me in court for my DUI hearing got a DUI on a lawnmower at 1am... he is no Spanos."

"I asked that Spanos if he wanted to go to my place. He said I could go but he was going to go ahead and stay."

See win, success, badass, esteem


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