
What is Spar?


To box body-to-body

yo...... lets spar



yo ma spar


24 hour shop for purchasing booze, fags to go with your draw and monster munch during a smoke up.

"Oi Clit, I'm going to the 24 hour Spar to get 10 fags"

See Nate


Evil supermarket chain secretly plotting to take over the world. Currently have hideouts in various locations all over Europe, America and Turkmenistan

Dude 1: "Fuck, i need a gun to shoot thet fuckface!"

Dude 2: "Don't worry, there's bound to be a Spar in the area."


To fence using one's tongue against another's tongue.

Jack and Nicci are missing... they're so in the middle of a sparring match.


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